



private def makeFollowers(controllerId: Int,
                          controllerEpoch: Int,
                          partitionStates: Map[Partition, LeaderAndIsrPartitionState],
                          correlationId: Int,
                          responseMap: mutable.Map[TopicPartition, Errors],
                          highWatermarkCheckpoints: OffsetCheckpoints,
                          topicIds: String => Option[Uuid]): Set[Partition] = {
  val traceLoggingEnabled = stateChangeLogger.isTraceEnabled
  partitionStates.forKeyValue { (partition, partitionState) =>
    responseMap.put(partition.topicPartition, Errors.NONE)

  val partitionsToMakeFollower: mutable.Set[Partition] = mutable.Set()
  try {
    partitionStates.forKeyValue { (partition, partitionState) =>
      val newLeaderBrokerId = partitionState.leader
      try {
        if (metadataCache.hasAliveBroker(newLeaderBrokerId)) {
          // Only change partition state when the leader is available  
          if (partition.makeFollower(partitionState, highWatermarkCheckpoints, topicIds(partitionState.topicName))) {
            partitionsToMakeFollower += partition
        } else {
          // The leader broker should always be present in the metadata cache.  
          // If not, we should record the error message and abort the transition process for this partition  
          stateChangeLogger.error(s"Received LeaderAndIsrRequest with correlation id $correlationId from " +
            s"controller $controllerId epoch $controllerEpoch for partition ${partition.topicPartition} " +
            s"(last update controller epoch ${partitionState.controllerEpoch}) " +
            s"but cannot become follower since the new leader $newLeaderBrokerId is unavailable.")
          // Create the local replica even if the leader is unavailable. This is required to ensure that we include  
          // the partition's high watermark in the checkpoint file (see KAFKA-1647)  
          partition.createLogIfNotExists(isNew = partitionState.isNew, isFutureReplica = false,
            highWatermarkCheckpoints, topicIds(partitionState.topicName))
      } catch {
        case e: KafkaStorageException =>
          stateChangeLogger.error(s"Skipped the become-follower state change with correlation id $correlationId from " +
            s"controller $controllerId epoch $controllerEpoch for partition ${partition.topicPartition} " +
            s"(last update controller epoch ${partitionState.controllerEpoch}) with leader " +
            s"$newLeaderBrokerId since the replica for the partition is offline due to storage error $e")
          // If there is an offline log directory, a Partition object may have been created and have been added  
          // to `ReplicaManager.allPartitions` before `createLogIfNotExists()` failed to create local replica due  
          // to KafkaStorageException. In this case `ReplicaManager.allPartitions` will map this topic-partition  
          // to an empty Partition object. We need to map this topic-partition to OfflinePartition instead.  
          responseMap.put(partition.topicPartition, Errors.KAFKA_STORAGE_ERROR)

    // Stopping the fetchers must be done first in order to initialize the fetch  
    // position correctly.  
    stateChangeLogger.info(s"Stopped fetchers as part of become-follower request from controller $controllerId " +
      s"epoch $controllerEpoch with correlation id $correlationId for ${partitionsToMakeFollower.size} partitions")

    partitionsToMakeFollower.foreach { partition =>

    if (isShuttingDown.get()) {
    } else {
      // we do not need to check if the leader exists again since this has been done at the beginning of this process  
      val partitionsToMakeFollowerWithLeaderAndOffset = partitionsToMakeFollower.map { partition =>
        val leaderNode = partition.leaderReplicaIdOpt.flatMap(leaderId => metadataCache.
          getAliveBrokerNode(leaderId, config.interBrokerListenerName)).getOrElse(Node.noNode())
        val leader = new BrokerEndPoint(leaderNode.id(), leaderNode.host(), leaderNode.port())
        val log = partition.localLogOrException
        val fetchOffset = initialFetchOffset(log)
        partition.topicPartition -> InitialFetchState(topicIds(partition.topic), leader, partition.getLeaderEpoch, fetchOffset)

  } catch {
    case e: Throwable =>
      stateChangeLogger.error(s"Error while processing LeaderAndIsr request with correlationId $correlationId " +
        s"received from controller $controllerId epoch $controllerEpoch", e)
      // Re-throw the exception for it to be caught in KafkaApis  
      throw e



* Make the current broker to become follower for a given set of partitions by:  
* 1. Remove these partitions from the leader partitions set.  
* 2. Mark the replicas as followers so that no more data can be added from the producer clients.  
* 3. Stop fetchers for these partitions so that no more data can be added by the replica fetcher threads.  
* 4. Truncate the log and checkpoint offsets for these partitions.  
* 5. Clear the produce and fetch requests in the purgatory  
* 6. If the broker is not shutting down, add the fetcher to the new leaders.  
* The ordering of doing these steps make sure that the replicas in transition will not  
* take any more messages before checkpointing offsets so that all messages before the checkpoint  
* are guaranteed to be flushed to disks  
* If an unexpected error is thrown in this function, it will be propagated to KafkaApis where  
* the error message will be set on each partition since we do not know which partition caused it. Otherwise,  
* return the set of partitions that are made follower due to this method  


  • partitionsToMakeFollower 里面包含的是Leader发生改变的partition

  • 接下来removeFetcherForPartitions会从fetcher线程中移除对partition的同步为了保证从新Leader中从正确的位置开始同步

  • completeDelayedFetchOrProduceRequests完成那些之前异步的Fetch操作

  • 之后会将同步的信息包装成Map[TopicPartition, InitialFetchState]里面包含的信息如下代码之后将此信息放进Fetcher线程中进行同步

val partitionsToMakeFollowerWithLeaderAndOffset = partitionsToMakeFollower.map { partition =>
  val leaderNode = partition.leaderReplicaIdOpt.flatMap(leaderId => metadataCache.
    getAliveBrokerNode(leaderId, config.interBrokerListenerName)).getOrElse(Node.noNode())
  val leader = new BrokerEndPoint(leaderNode.id(), leaderNode.host(), leaderNode.port())
  val log = partition.localLogOrException
  val fetchOffset = initialFetchOffset(log)
  partition.topicPartition -> InitialFetchState(topicIds(partition.topic), leader, partition.getLeaderEpoch, fetchOffset)

Fetch 线程同步


override def doWork(): Unit = {  

1. maybeTruncate()

  maybeTruncate会将Leader Offset改变的follower进行高水位或者LeaderEpoch进行重新平衡先不深入LeaderEpoch

private def maybeTruncate(): Unit = {
  val (partitionsWithEpochs, partitionsWithoutEpochs) =
  if (partitionsWithEpochs.nonEmpty) {
  if (partitionsWithoutEpochs.nonEmpty) {

private[server] def truncateToHighWatermark(partitions: Set[TopicPartition]): Unit = inLock(partitionMapLock) {
  val fetchOffsets = mutable.HashMap.empty[TopicPartition, OffsetTruncationState]

  for (tp <- partitions) {
    val partitionState = partitionStates.stateValue(tp)
    if (partitionState != null) {
      val highWatermark = partitionState.fetchOffset
      val truncationState = OffsetTruncationState(highWatermark, truncationCompleted = true)

      info(s"Truncating partition $tp with $truncationState due to local high watermark $highWatermark")
      if (doTruncate(tp, truncationState))
        fetchOffsets.put(tp, truncationState)


  truncateToHighWatermark会将partitionsWithoutEpochs中所有处isTruncating状态的local partition’s offset更新成新Leader Partition高水位的offset,因为有些处于Truncating的partition可能Log end offset已经大于新Leader的高水位此时进行截断从新Leader的高水位开始进行同步

2. maybeFetch

private def maybeFetch(): Unit = {
  val fetchRequestOpt = inLock(partitionMapLock) {
    val ResultWithPartitions(fetchRequestOpt, partitionsWithError) = leader.buildFetch(partitionStates.partitionStateMap.asScala)

    handlePartitionsWithErrors(partitionsWithError, "maybeFetch")

    if (fetchRequestOpt.isEmpty) {
      trace(s"There are no active partitions. Back off for $fetchBackOffMs ms before sending a fetch request")
      partitionMapCond.await(fetchBackOffMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)


  fetchRequestOpt.foreach { case ReplicaFetch(sessionPartitions, fetchRequest) =>
    processFetchRequest(sessionPartitions, fetchRequest)


new FetchRequest.PartitionData(
            fetchState.fetchOffset, //logAppendInfo.lastOffset + 1


private def processFetchRequest(sessionPartitions: util.Map[TopicPartition, FetchRequest.PartitionData],
                                fetchRequest: FetchRequest.Builder): Unit = {
  val partitionsWithError = mutable.Set[TopicPartition]()
  val divergingEndOffsets = mutable.Map.empty[TopicPartition, EpochEndOffset]
  var responseData: Map[TopicPartition, FetchData] = Map.empty

  try {
    trace(s"Sending fetch request $fetchRequest")
    responseData = leader.fetch(fetchRequest)
  } catch {

  if (responseData.nonEmpty) {
    // process fetched data
    inLock(partitionMapLock) {
      responseData.forKeyValue { (topicPartition, partitionData) =>
        Option(partitionStates.stateValue(topicPartition)).foreach { currentFetchState =>
          // It's possible that a partition is removed and re-added or truncated when there is a pending fetch request.
          // In this case, we only want to process the fetch response if the partition state is ready for fetch and
          // the current offset is the same as the offset requested.
          val fetchPartitionData = sessionPartitions.get(topicPartition)
          if (fetchPartitionData != null && fetchPartitionData.fetchOffset == currentFetchState.fetchOffset && currentFetchState.isReadyForFetch) {
            Errors.forCode(partitionData.errorCode) match {
              case Errors.NONE =>
                try {
                  if (leader.isTruncationOnFetchSupported && FetchResponse.isDivergingEpoch(partitionData)) {
                  } else {
                    // Once we hand off the partition data to the subclass, we can't mess with it any more in this thread
                    val logAppendInfoOpt = processPartitionData(

                    logAppendInfoOpt.foreach { logAppendInfo =>
                      val validBytes = logAppendInfo.validBytes
                      val nextOffset = if (validBytes > 0) logAppendInfo.lastOffset + 1 else currentFetchState.fetchOffset
                      val lag = Math.max(0L, partitionData.highWatermark - nextOffset)
                      fetcherLagStats.getAndMaybePut(topicPartition).lag = lag

                      // ReplicaDirAlterThread may have removed topicPartition from the partitionStates after processing the partition data
                      if ((validBytes > 0 || currentFetchState.lag.isEmpty) && partitionStates.contains(topicPartition)) {
                        // Update partitionStates only if there is no exception during processPartitionData
                        val newFetchState = PartitionFetchState(currentFetchState.topicId, nextOffset, Some(lag),
                          currentFetchState.currentLeaderEpoch, state = Fetching,
                        partitionStates.updateAndMoveToEnd(topicPartition, newFetchState)
                        if (validBytes > 0) fetcherStats.byteRate.mark(validBytes)


当response返回了数据调用processPartitionData更新follower的log end offset,其中processPartitionData会进行partition.append操作;当写完本地log后更新partitionState.updateAndMoveToEnd

override def processPartitionData(topicPartition: TopicPartition,
                                  fetchOffset: Long,
                                  partitionData: FetchData): Option[LogAppendInfo] = {
  val logTrace = isTraceEnabled
  val partition = replicaMgr.getPartitionOrException(topicPartition)
  val log = partition.localLogOrException
  val records = toMemoryRecords(FetchResponse.recordsOrFail(partitionData))

  maybeWarnIfOversizedRecords(records, topicPartition)

  if (fetchOffset != log.logEndOffset)
    throw new IllegalStateException("Offset mismatch for partition %s: fetched offset = %d, log end offset = %d.".format(
      topicPartition, fetchOffset, log.logEndOffset))

  if (logTrace)
    trace("Follower has replica log end offset %d for partition %s. Received %d bytes of messages and leader hw %d"
      .format(log.logEndOffset, topicPartition, records.sizeInBytes, partitionData.highWatermark))

  // Append the leader's messages to the log  
  val logAppendInfo = partition.appendRecordsToFollowerOrFutureReplica(records, isFuture = false)

  if (logTrace)
    trace("Follower has replica log end offset %d after appending %d bytes of messages for partition %s"
      .format(log.logEndOffset, records.sizeInBytes, topicPartition))
  val leaderLogStartOffset = partitionData.logStartOffset

  // For the follower replica, we do not need to keep its segment base offset and physical position.  
  // These values will be computed upon becoming leader or handling a preferred read replica fetch.  
  var maybeUpdateHighWatermarkMessage = s"but did not update replica high watermark"
  log.maybeUpdateHighWatermark(partitionData.highWatermark).foreach { newHighWatermark =>
    maybeUpdateHighWatermarkMessage = s"and updated replica high watermark to $newHighWatermark"
    partitionsWithNewHighWatermark += topicPartition

  log.maybeIncrementLogStartOffset(leaderLogStartOffset, LogStartOffsetIncrementReason.LeaderOffsetIncremented)
  if (logTrace)
    trace(s"Follower received high watermark ${partitionData.highWatermark} from the leader " +
      s"$maybeUpdateHighWatermarkMessage for partition $topicPartition")

  // Traffic from both in-sync and out of sync replicas are accounted for in replication quota to ensure total replication  
  // traffic doesn't exceed quota.  
  if (quota.isThrottled(topicPartition))

  if (partition.isReassigning && partition.isAddingLocalReplica)


  • maybeUpdateHighWatermark
    • 如果leader的partition高水位发生改变就更新follower的高水位
  • maybeIncrementLogStartOffset
    • 如果leader的logStartOffset更新了也需要更新本地副本的logStartOffset

3. completeDelayedFetchRequests

private def completeDelayedFetchRequests(): Unit = {  
	if (partitionsWithNewHighWatermark.nonEmpty) {  

private[server] def completeDelayedFetchRequests(topicPartitions: Seq[TopicPartition]): Unit = {  
	topicPartitions.foreach(tp => delayedFetchPurgatory.checkAndComplete(TopicPartitionOperationKey(tp)))  

  刚开始还有个疑问为什么follower中还有completeDelayedFetchRequests操作刚看了KIP-392,其中描述了避免跨机房从Leader中获取消息外Kafka支持从就近的Replica中获取消息从而就会存在consumer fetch request from follower于是就会存在delayedFetch操作从而当follower的高水位更新后避免因replica.fetch.wait.max.ms超时才响应而是在更新高水位后就立即尝试响应

  • HandleFetchRequest

  当Broker server收到fetchRequest后KafkaApis会将其mapping到handleFetchRequest的方法中来处理下面来详细介绍其处理方式

def handleFetchRequest(request: RequestChannel.Request): Unit = {
  val versionId = request.header.apiVersion
  val clientId = request.header.clientId
  val fetchRequest = request.body[FetchRequest]
  val topicNames =
    if (fetchRequest.version() >= 13)
      Collections.emptyMap[Uuid, String]()

  val fetchData = fetchRequest.fetchData(topicNames)
  val forgottenTopics = fetchRequest.forgottenTopics(topicNames)

  val fetchContext = fetchManager.newContext(

  val erroneous = mutable.ArrayBuffer[(TopicIdPartition, FetchResponseData.PartitionData)]()
  val interesting = mutable.ArrayBuffer[(TopicIdPartition, FetchRequest.PartitionData)]()
  if (fetchRequest.isFromFollower) {
    // The follower must have ClusterAction on ClusterResource in order to fetch partition data.
    if (authHelper.authorize(request.context, CLUSTER_ACTION, CLUSTER, CLUSTER_NAME)) {
      fetchContext.foreachPartition { (topicIdPartition, data) =>
        interesting += topicIdPartition -> data
  } else {

  // the callback for process a fetch response, invoked before throttling
  def processResponseCallback(responsePartitionData: Seq[(TopicIdPartition, FetchPartitionData)]): Unit = {
    val partitions = new util.LinkedHashMap[TopicIdPartition, FetchResponseData.PartitionData]
    val reassigningPartitions = mutable.Set[TopicIdPartition]()
    responsePartitionData.foreach { case (tp, data) =>
      val abortedTransactions = data.abortedTransactions.orElse(null)
      val lastStableOffset: Long = data.lastStableOffset.orElse(FetchResponse.INVALID_LAST_STABLE_OFFSET)
      if (data.isReassignmentFetch) reassigningPartitions.add(tp)
      val partitionData = new FetchResponseData.PartitionData()
      partitions.put(tp, partitionData)
    erroneous.foreach { case (tp, data) => partitions.put(tp, data) }

    // Prepare fetch response from converted data
    val response =
      FetchResponse.of(unconvertedFetchResponse.error, throttleTimeMs, unconvertedFetchResponse.sessionId, convertedData)
    // record the bytes out metrics only when the response is being sent
    response.data.responses.forEach { topicResponse =>
      topicResponse.partitions.forEach { data =>
        // If the topic name was not known, we will have no bytes out.
        if (topicResponse.topic != null) {
          val tp = new TopicIdPartition(topicResponse.topicId, new TopicPartition(topicResponse.topic, data.partitionIndex))
          brokerTopicStats.updateBytesOut(tp.topic, fetchRequest.isFromFollower, reassigningPartitions.contains(tp), FetchResponse.recordsSize(data))

  if (fetchRequest.isFromFollower) {
    // We've already evaluated against the quota and are good to go. Just need to record it now.
    unconvertedFetchResponse = fetchContext.updateAndGenerateResponseData(partitions)
    val responseSize = KafkaApis.sizeOfThrottledPartitions(versionId, unconvertedFetchResponse, quotas.leader)
    val responsePartitionsSize = unconvertedFetchResponse.data().responses().stream().mapToInt(_.partitions().size()).sum()
    trace(s"Sending Fetch response with partitions.size=$responsePartitionsSize, " +
    requestHelper.sendResponseExemptThrottle(request, createResponse(0), Some(updateConversionStats))
  } else {

if (interesting.isEmpty) {
} else {
  // for fetch from consumer, cap fetchMaxBytes to the maximum bytes that could be fetched without being throttled given
  // no bytes were recorded in the recent quota window
  // trying to fetch more bytes would result in a guaranteed throttling potentially blocking consumer progress
  val maxQuotaWindowBytes = if (fetchRequest.isFromFollower)
    quotas.fetch.getMaxValueInQuotaWindow(request.session, clientId).toInt

  val fetchMaxBytes = Math.min(Math.min(fetchRequest.maxBytes, config.fetchMaxBytes), maxQuotaWindowBytes)
  val fetchMinBytes = Math.min(fetchRequest.minBytes, fetchMaxBytes)

  val clientMetadata: Optional[ClientMetadata] = if (versionId >= 11) {
    // Fetch API version 11 added preferred replica logic
    Optional.of(new DefaultClientMetadata(
  } else {

  val params = new FetchParams(

  // call the replica manager to fetch messages from the local replica
    params = params,
    fetchInfos = interesting,
    quota = replicationQuota(fetchRequest),
    responseCallback = processResponseCallback,


  1. ReplicaManager 处理 Fetch 请求看起来比较清晰先是readFromLog将topicIdPartition请求的logReadResult读取出来
def readFromLog(
                 params: FetchParams,
                 readPartitionInfo: Seq[(TopicIdPartition, PartitionData)],
                 quota: ReplicaQuota,
                 readFromPurgatory: Boolean): Seq[(TopicIdPartition, LogReadResult)] = {
  val traceEnabled = isTraceEnabled
  var limitBytes = params.maxBytes
  val result = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[(TopicIdPartition, LogReadResult)]
  var minOneMessage = !params.hardMaxBytesLimit
  readPartitionInfo.foreach { case (tp, fetchInfo) =>
    val readResult = read(tp, fetchInfo, limitBytes, minOneMessage)
    val recordBatchSize = readResult.info.records.sizeInBytes
    // Once we read from a non-empty partition, we stop ignoring request and partition level size limits  
    if (recordBatchSize > 0)
      minOneMessage = false
    limitBytes = math.max(0, limitBytes - recordBatchSize)
    result += (tp -> readResult)


def read(tp: TopicIdPartition, fetchInfo: PartitionData, limitBytes: Int, minOneMessage: Boolean): LogReadResult = {
  val offset = fetchInfo.fetchOffset
  val partitionFetchSize = fetchInfo.maxBytes
  val followerLogStartOffset = fetchInfo.logStartOffset

  val adjustedMaxBytes = math.min(fetchInfo.maxBytes, limitBytes)
  var log: UnifiedLog = null
  var partition: Partition = null
  val fetchTimeMs = time.milliseconds
  try {

    partition = getPartitionOrException(tp.topicPartition)

    // Check if topic ID from the fetch request/session matches the ID in the log  
    val topicId = if (tp.topicId == Uuid.ZERO_UUID) None else Some(tp.topicId)
    if (!hasConsistentTopicId(topicId, partition.topicId))
      throw new InconsistentTopicIdException("Topic ID in the fetch session did not match the topic ID in the log.")

    log = partition.localLogWithEpochOrThrow(
      fetchInfo.currentLeaderEpoch, params.fetchOnlyLeader())

    // Try the read first, this tells us whether we need all of adjustedFetchSize for this partition  
    val readInfo: LogReadInfo = partition.fetchRecords(
      fetchParams = params,
      fetchPartitionData = fetchInfo,
      fetchTimeMs = fetchTimeMs,
      maxBytes = adjustedMaxBytes,
      minOneMessage = minOneMessage,
      updateFetchState = !readFromPurgatory)

    val fetchDataInfo = checkFetchDataInfo(partition, readInfo.fetchedData)

    LogReadResult(info = fetchDataInfo,
      divergingEpoch = readInfo.divergingEpoch.asScala,
      highWatermark = readInfo.highWatermark,
      leaderLogStartOffset = readInfo.logStartOffset,
      leaderLogEndOffset = readInfo.logEndOffset,
      followerLogStartOffset = followerLogStartOffset,
      fetchTimeMs = fetchTimeMs,
      lastStableOffset = Some(readInfo.lastStableOffset),
      preferredReadReplica = preferredReadReplica,
      exception = None



def fetchRecords(
                  fetchParams: FetchParams,
                  fetchPartitionData: FetchRequest.PartitionData,
                  fetchTimeMs: Long,
                  maxBytes: Int,
                  minOneMessage: Boolean,
                  updateFetchState: Boolean
                ): LogReadInfo = {
  def readFromLocalLog(log: UnifiedLog): LogReadInfo = {

  if (fetchParams.isFromFollower) {
    // Check that the request is from a valid replica before doing the read  
    val (replica, logReadInfo) = inReadLock(leaderIsrUpdateLock) {
      val localLog = localLogWithEpochOrThrow(
      val replica = followerReplicaOrThrow(
      val logReadInfo = readFromLocalLog(localLog)
      (replica, logReadInfo)

    if (updateFetchState && !logReadInfo.divergingEpoch.isPresent) {
        followerFetchOffsetMetadata = logReadInfo.fetchedData.fetchOffsetMetadata,
        followerStartOffset = fetchPartitionData.logStartOffset,
        followerFetchTimeMs = fetchTimeMs,
        leaderEndOffset = logReadInfo.logEndOffset,



  replica, // 根据replicaId和fetchData获取相应的remoteReplica
  followerFetchOffsetMetadata =
  followerStartOffset = fetchPartitionData.logStartOffset,
  followerFetchTimeMs = fetchTimeMs,
  leaderEndOffset = logReadInfo.logEndOffset,

def updateFollowerFetchState(
                              replica: Replica,
                              followerFetchOffsetMetadata: LogOffsetMetadata,
                              followerStartOffset: Long,
                              followerFetchTimeMs: Long,
                              leaderEndOffset: Long,
                              brokerEpoch: Long
                            ): Unit = {
  // No need to calculate low watermark if there is no delayed DeleteRecordsRequest  
  val oldLeaderLW = if (delayedOperations.numDelayedDelete > 0) lowWatermarkIfLeader else -1L
  val prevFollowerEndOffset = replica.stateSnapshot.logEndOffset

  val newLeaderLW = if (delayedOperations.numDelayedDelete > 0) lowWatermarkIfLeader else -1L
  // check if the LW of the partition has incremented  
  // since the replica's logStartOffset may have incremented  
  val leaderLWIncremented = newLeaderLW > oldLeaderLW

  // Check if this in-sync replica needs to be added to the ISR.  

  // check if the HW of the partition can now be incremented  
  // since the replica may already be in the ISR and its LEO has just incremented  
  val leaderHWIncremented = if (prevFollowerEndOffset != replica.stateSnapshot.logEndOffset) {
    // the leader log may be updated by ReplicaAlterLogDirsThread so the following method must be in lock of  
    // leaderIsrUpdateLock to prevent adding new hw to invalid log.  
    inReadLock(leaderIsrUpdateLock) {
      leaderLogIfLocal.exists(leaderLog => maybeIncrementLeaderHW(leaderLog, followerFetchTimeMs))
  } else {

  // some delayed operations may be unblocked after HW or LW changed  
  if (leaderLWIncremented || leaderHWIncremented)

  debug(s"Recorded replica ${replica.brokerId} log end offset (LEO) position " +
    s"${followerFetchOffsetMetadata.messageOffset} and log start offset $followerStartOffset.")

  • replica执行updateFetchState更新follower Replica的offset信息
  • maybeExpandIsr判断如果replica的offset已经追赶上leader的endOffset就提示可能要更新Isr集合

注释解释了当 LEO >= HW && followerEndOffset >= leaderEpochStartOffsetOpt ,就可以加入ISR

   * Check and maybe expand the ISR of the partition.
   * A replica will be added to ISR if its LEO >= current hw of the partition and it is caught up to
   * an offset within the current leader epoch. A replica must be caught up to the current leader
   * epoch before it can join ISR, because otherwise, if there is committed data between current
   * leader's HW and LEO, the replica may become the leader before it fetches the committed data
   * and the data will be lost.
   * Technically, a replica shouldn't be in ISR if it hasn't caught up for longer than replicaLagTimeMaxMs,
   * even if its log end offset is >= HW. However, to be consistent with how the follower determines
   * whether a replica is in-sync, we only check HW.
   * This function can be triggered when a replica's LEO has incremented.
private def maybeExpandIsr(followerReplica: Replica): Unit = {
  val needsIsrUpdate = !partitionState.isInflight && canAddReplicaToIsr(followerReplica.brokerId) && inReadLock(leaderIsrUpdateLock) {
  if (needsIsrUpdate) {
    val alterIsrUpdateOpt = inWriteLock(leaderIsrUpdateLock) {
      // check if this replica needs to be added to the ISR  
      partitionState match {
        case currentState: CommittedPartitionState if needsExpandIsr(followerReplica) =>
          Some(prepareIsrExpand(currentState, followerReplica.brokerId))
        case _ =>
    // Send the AlterPartition request outside of the LeaderAndIsr lock since the completion logic  
    // may increment the high watermark (and consequently complete delayed operations).  

private def needsExpandIsr(followerReplica: Replica): Boolean = {
  canAddReplicaToIsr(followerReplica.brokerId) && isFollowerInSync(followerReplica)

private def canAddReplicaToIsr(followerReplicaId: Int): Boolean = {
  val current = partitionState
  !current.isInflight &&
    !current.isr.contains(followerReplicaId) &&

private def isFollowerInSync(followerReplica: Replica): Boolean = {
  leaderLogIfLocal.exists { leaderLog =>
    val followerEndOffset = followerReplica.stateSnapshot.logEndOffset
    followerEndOffset >= leaderLog.highWatermark && leaderEpochStartOffsetOpt.exists(followerEndOffset >= _)
  • maybeIncrementLeaderHW会判断所有的replica的最小logEndOffset值或者Isr集合有变化时来判断是是否更新高水位
   * Check and maybe increment the high watermark of the partition;
   * this function can be triggered when
   * 1. Partition ISR changed
   * 2. Any replica's LEO changed
   * The HW is determined by the smallest log end offset among all replicas that are in sync; or are considered caught-up
   * and are allowed to join the ISR. This way, if a replica is considered caught-up, but its log end offset is smaller
   * than HW, we will wait for this replica to catch up to the HW before advancing the HW. This helps the situation when
   * the ISR only includes the leader replica and a follower tries to catch up. If we don't wait for the follower when
   * advancing the HW, the follower's log end offset may keep falling behind the HW (determined by the leader's log end
   * offset) and therefore will never be added to ISR.
   * With the addition of AlterPartition, we also consider newly added replicas as part of the ISR when advancing
   * the HW. These replicas have not yet been committed to the ISR by the controller, so we could revert to the previously
   * committed ISR. However, adding additional replicas to the ISR makes it more restrictive and therefore safe. We call
   * this set the "maximal" ISR. See KIP-497 for more details
   * Note There is no need to acquire the leaderIsrUpdate lock here since all callers of this private API acquire that lock
   * @return true if the HW was incremented, and false otherwise.

private def maybeIncrementLeaderHW(leaderLog: UnifiedLog, currentTimeMs: Long = time.milliseconds): Boolean = {
  // maybeIncrementLeaderHW is in the hot path, the following code is written to  
  // avoid unnecessary collection generation  
  val leaderLogEndOffset = leaderLog.logEndOffsetMetadata
  var newHighWatermark = leaderLogEndOffset
  remoteReplicasMap.values.foreach { replica =>
    val replicaState = replica.stateSnapshot

    def shouldWaitForReplicaToJoinIsr: Boolean = {
      replicaState.isCaughtUp(leaderLogEndOffset.messageOffset, currentTimeMs, replicaLagTimeMaxMs) &&

    // Note here we are using the "maximal", see explanation above  
    if (replicaState.logEndOffsetMetadata.messageOffset < newHighWatermark.messageOffset &&
      (partitionState.maximalIsr.contains(replica.brokerId) || shouldWaitForReplicaToJoinIsr)
    ) {
      newHighWatermark = replicaState.logEndOffsetMetadata

  leaderLog.maybeIncrementHighWatermark(newHighWatermark) match {
    case Some(oldHighWatermark) =>
      debug(s"High watermark updated from $oldHighWatermark to $newHighWatermark")

    case None =>
      def logEndOffsetString: ((Int, LogOffsetMetadata)) => String = {
        case (brokerId, logEndOffsetMetadata) => s"replica $brokerId: $logEndOffsetMetadata"


// 调用maybeIncrementLeaderHW之前<span class="bd-box"><h-char class="bd bd-beg"><h-inner>,</h-inner></h-char></span>会update caughtUpTime
      val lastCaughtUpTime = if (followerFetchOffsetMetadata.messageOffset >= leaderEndOffset) {
        math.max(currentReplicaState.lastCaughtUpTimeMs, followerFetchTimeMs)
      } else if (followerFetchOffsetMetadata.messageOffset >= currentReplicaState.lastFetchLeaderLogEndOffset) {
        math.max(currentReplicaState.lastCaughtUpTimeMs, currentReplicaState.lastFetchTimeMs)
      } else {
  • 如果leader的低水位(所有replica的最小startLogOffset)或者高水位有变化就tryCompleteDelayedRequests
  1. 当处理完remote replica的所有更新后如果满足以下条件就立即返回
// Respond immediately if no remote fetches are required and any of the below conditions is true  
// 1) fetch request does not want to wait  
// 2) fetch request does not require any data  
// 3) has enough data to respond  
// 4) some error happens while reading data  
// 5) we found a diverging epoch  
// 6) has a preferred read replica
  1. 否则就new DelayedFetch将其放进延迟队列中异步等待请求数据完成再发送
  2. 在调用结束后会执行一次所有的DelayOperation



  1. 当ISR集合中的Replica都下线了那么Follower变成了Leader不久后old Leader又复活变成了Follower从新的Leader上进行同步发现old Leader的logEndOffset>newLeaderEndOffset,此时会将old leader的log进行截断从新Leader的EndOffset后开始同步

 private def fetchOffsetAndTruncate(topicPartition: TopicPartition, topicId: Option[Uuid], currentLeaderEpoch: Int): PartitionFetchState = {
  val replicaEndOffset = logEndOffset(topicPartition)

   * Unclean leader election: A follower goes down, in the meanwhile the leader keeps appending messages. The follower comes back up
   * and before it has completely caught up with the leader's logs, all replicas in the ISR go down. The follower is now uncleanly
   * elected as the new leader, and it starts appending messages from the client. The old leader comes back up, becomes a follower
   * and it may discover that the current leader's end offset is behind its own end offset.
   * In such a case, truncate the current follower's log to the current leader's end offset and continue fetching.
   * There is a potential for a mismatch between the logs of the two replicas here. We don't fix this mismatch as of now.
  val offsetAndEpoch = leader.fetchLatestOffset(topicPartition, currentLeaderEpoch)
  val leaderEndOffset = offsetAndEpoch.offset
  if (leaderEndOffset < replicaEndOffset) {
    warn(s"Reset fetch offset for partition $topicPartition from $replicaEndOffset to current " +
      s"leader's latest offset $leaderEndOffset")
    truncate(topicPartition, OffsetTruncationState(leaderEndOffset, truncationCompleted = true))

    fetcherLagStats.getAndMaybePut(topicPartition).lag = 0
    PartitionFetchState(topicId, leaderEndOffset, Some(0), currentLeaderEpoch,
      state = Fetching, lastFetchedEpoch = latestEpoch(topicPartition))
  } else {
  1. Follower的logEndOffset< Leader logStartOffset,则清空Follower的Offset从Leader logStartOffset开始同步
val offsetAndEpoch = leader.fetchEarliestOffset(topicPartition, currentLeaderEpoch)
val leaderStartOffset = offsetAndEpoch.offset
val offsetToFetch = Math.max(leaderStartOffset, replicaEndOffset)
// Only truncate log when current leader's log start offset is greater than follower's log end offset.  
if (leaderStartOffset > replicaEndOffset) {
  warn(s"Truncate fully and reset fetch offset for partition $topicPartition from $replicaEndOffset to the " +
    s"current leader's start offset $leaderStartOffset because the local replica's end offset is smaller than the " +
    s"current leader's start offsets.")
  truncateFullyAndStartAt(topicPartition, leaderStartOffset)
} else {
  info(s"Reset fetch offset for partition $topicPartition from $replicaEndOffset to " +
    s"the current local replica's end offset $offsetToFetch")

val initialLag = leaderEndOffset - offsetToFetch
fetcherLagStats.getAndMaybePut(topicPartition).lag = initialLag
PartitionFetchState(topicId, offsetToFetch, Some(initialLag), currentLeaderEpoch,
  state = Fetching, lastFetchedEpoch = latestEpoch(topicPartition))


  1. Follower副本发送FetchRequest从对应分区中获取消息
  2. 当请求到对应Partition的Broker中会从日志存储中读取数据更新remote
    replica offset检测是否需要更新ISR集合HW等
  3. 之后ReplicaManager为FetchRequest生成DelayedFetch对象交由
  4. 准备FetchResponse返回给客户端
  5. 执行一次DelayOperation比如看DelayProduce是否已经完成
  6. 客户端收到response后更新本地的partition的数据HWLEO